Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Christmas tree!

I made this little Christmas tree and decorated it with some ornaments I bought some time ago on a fair. Of cause the tree needs a lot of more decoration... I also made the tiny wreath!

I also made this little laser cut kit I bought on a fair from Volker Arnold for my 1/144 scale house. It is unbelievale tiny and the drawers work!!!

To show how small it is  I laid a matchstick next to it.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Hi Nicole, so pleased you enjoyed visiting my blog. Lovely job on the Christmas tree.
    The drawer unit is amazing! You must have excellent eye sight!

  2. Glad to here you like my Christmas tree and the drawer unit and in fact my eye sight is still good! I did make the little furniture without a magnifying glass! But I'm not getting younger and in the last time I thought it's time to buy me a magnifying glass... I have some more tiny kits to do ;-)
